Your whole life you dream of being a mother. It starts at a young age, when you instinctively nurture dolls, mimic your mom bottle-feeding your “baby” doll, and spend time playing, changing, and rocking. You are the oldest child, so being a mama’s helper is something you do on a daily basis. These are some of my favorite childhood memories. & then you snap your fingers and all of a sudden you are at the perfect age to babysit. Yes, someone actually trusts you with his or her child. There is something important about being responsible for infants, toddlers, and children. This teaches you how to be patient, kind, and caring for little ones, even if they are not your own. It is easy money and although you don’t realize it at the time, you are preparing yourself for the routine life of motherhood, at the early age of 14.
High school comes, college is next.
Friends are most important at this important time of life; when you are trying
to “find yourself”. Soon enough boys are at the forefront and relationships
begin. They may come and go, serious and some not so serious. This is all an
important stepping-stone of life to find the perfect person to spend forever
with. It takes mistakes and experiences to find the right path. After meeting
Mr. Right, the engagement happens, wedding planning consumes your life. Babies
are the last thing on your mind; God forbid you were knocked up before walking
down the aisle!
After that beautiful wedding day, you
live a life of married bliss, you selfishly want to travel the world and see
new things. People begin to ask you “when will you have kids”? “Not now, we are
focusing on “us”, we have things to see and do”-you say. It feels ok to admit
this. But the thought of bringing a baby into the world at this time of life
wouldn’t be the worst thing, you and your husbands jobs are secure, you have
been married almost a year. But you aren’t sure you are “ready”.
“When will babies come?” they all say
at the two year mark. Your friends begin to get pregnant. You begin to think;
maybe it’s time to move out of the city and head to the suburbs. More land for
the dog and a room designated for the baby. So, you say goodbye to the city
life and move further out, leaving you to a house that is too big for just you
two. What else is there to do in the suburbs? It’s time to have a baby.
Europe has come and gone, you’ve had
practice “raising” your dog. You plan the month to conceive and how it would
work perfectly with your life and your career. Teachers have babies in the
summer, right? This is what we will do.
Deciding that you are ready is invigorating.
It’s really here! We will be parents! A month goes by, and your period comes.
You are bummed, as conceiving a baby in Europe would have just been the best story. Another month goes by and
then another month. Your perfect planned birth month schedule is affected;
teachers always have babies in April or May to enjoy them over the summer!
You use an app to track your cycle.
You pay $50 a month to pee on sticks that tell you when you ovulate. Your
intimate life has changed to schedules and time frames. Suddenly, marriage
isn’t quite the same as you always pictured it.
A few more months go by. The people
you told excitedly that you were trying begin to ask. It’s embarrassing to tell
them that you are still working on it. Life gets busy and you try not to
stress. Everyone says stress is the problem. Exercise more, go to yoga,
get a trainer, eat healthier. Try taking supplements. “Why aren’t you pregnant
yet?” “How long are you waiting, you aren’t getting younger…”.
You pee on more sticks, you know you are ovulating. Why isn’t it
working?! You pay close attention every day to how you feel. Eeee, you have
breast tenderness, you feel a bit nauseous, your senses are more intact. You
are pregnant?! Could it be? The
pregnancy test says no. Days of hope turn into so much sadness, shattering your
optimistic thoughts in just 30 seconds. Tears run down your face, those silent
ones of frustration and disappointment. Failure.
You begin to worry. You turn the
“babies” room into a “dressing room” because it hurts too much to walk past a
dark and empty room every day. You start reading. You buy books, What to Expect Before Expecting. You read up on research about how to boost
fertility. Diet changes are put into effect immediately: homemade fermented
sauerkraut and 6 brazil nuts when he wakes up. Primrose oil, apple cider
vinegar, Mucinex, and sardines for you. How
long have I been swallowing these damn horse pill prenatal vitamins? At least
it’s nice with hair and nails. Why
aren’t we pregnant?
Your gynecologist tells you everyone
must wait a year. That getting pregnant is harder than most people think. I think,
I teach Child Development, I know
about menstrual cycles and ovulation. I’ve always tracked. My period is 29 days
every month.
A friend calls to tell you she’s pregnant.
You are so SO happy for her, yet it hurts. It will all make sense one day, you
tell yourself. Your cycle is normal, why isn’t this working? Your mom had you
without even trying right after getting married. makes logical sense
that it can’t be you, it must be him.
Everyone says get the guy tested first, it’s easier. That means it’s time to
convince him to go into that nasty room at the clinic where thousands of guys
deliver what is needed for the doctor full of magazines and a tv. It’s not much
different than what you see in movies. & way less funny… it’s real. Tests
come back. But wait, he needs to test again. Each test says something else.
More friends are pregnant, meaning
more showers to attend. You curse your panties every time your period comes. It’s
finally been a year! It’s almost
exciting. You head back to the gyno. It suddenly hits you like a ton of bricks
as you realize, shit… I’ve waited all of this time to get the appointment but
now have to face the facts that something
is wrong. That is a very scary feeling that you didn’t feel until you were
waiting to be called into the room.
Your HMO requires you to take a lot of tests
before moving on to the fertility doctor, I think it was 25 different ones.
Blood after blood test, gynecological exams, tests at the hospital. No one
prepared you for the pain from the dye test! How are you awake for that? It takes months because it has to all work
with your menstrual cycle. Tests come back, each one worse than the next. Your FSH is really high. You think, what the
hell is FSH and why did I have to find out in the middle of a workday through a
voicemail? Tears are automatic. How will you teach in 10 minutes and pretend
everything is ok? From the test results,
Google says you may not have a baby of your own. You should look at donor eggs.
Many fertility doctors won’t even attempt your own eggs with those numbers. Your
heart is shattered. It’s like a truck ran you over slowly. How can anyone
prepare themselves to hear you will never have a biological child?
You keep reading, hoping to find stories of
inspiration only to find more stories of bad fate. Online can be the devil.
More tests are done for sperm count and mobility, egg quality, hormone levels,
blood types. Why the hell do I need STD tests? “Why aren’t you pregnant, how
long have you guys been married now”? Tests results come back. Things aren’t
looking good. The gynecologist tells you “it’s like you are a 45 year old
woman”. They tell you there’s nothing they can do. You cry by yourself driving
home. It’s the only place you can let your emotions out, because who can you
tell about this?
The next day you realize tears don’t
help anything. What’s the next step? Let’s do this. You finally get the
referral to the fertility doctor. FINALLY! Just in time for summer break. This
works perfectly for a teacher…fertility
treatments when on break so days don’t have to be missed out of the classroom. Less
questions from coworkers, less lies to the students. First appointment is a
month out. Shoot.
You try to take time as a couple. You
have been given the advice, as your life is completely changed once fertility
treatment starts. Life gets in the way and time runs out for that. But, it’s ok
because the appointment comes. The fertility doctor has more tests to be done,
on specific days of your cycle. Again, everything is done so damn timed. The
romance seems to be gone at home.
When was the last time things didn’t run on a
scheduled timetable? Will it ever be like it used to be?
You need to have surgical procedures
done. Your doctor rolls out tubal lavage,
exclusion of endometriosis, uterine lift, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy like
it’s nothing, without an explanation. This is your first surgery. You are
really nervous, anxious. You will be put under anesthesia and will wake up with
scars that will alter your smooth abdomen. You know that you may find out more
bad news from the procedure. But you have hope. It could be the start of something, it will prep for
invitro fertilization, even though the internet says the procedure creates scar
tissue that will now be present, which can affect pregnancy. The doctor knows
best, you tell yourself.
You thank God for modern medicine. You
read about people that have gotten pregnant through invitro. Shots every day for
weeks in the stomach, self-given. After extraction of eggs, 12 more weeks of
shots given by your husband in the butt. This is not the best news told to the
girl that had 3 nurses hold her down to finger prick. Many say it took them a
few rounds. Some, it never worked. Is it worth it, is this all really worth it?
You have to wait days to recover from
your surgical procedure and two more weeks to get back with the doctor. The
summer is almost over, school is about to start. You know that this will be a
long journey. You know it may never work. You try your best to be patient. You
have to consider options you never had to even fathom before. Adoption, donor
eggs. You are scared, nervous, ashamed. “Are you having kids soon, where is the
baby” “You’ve been married long enough!”
in prayer and God is what you know
you should do. Sometimes this is hard. You know people are talking behind your
back a bit. They are concerned, many curious. “Why aren’t they pregnant yet,
how long have they been married, is everything ok with them?”
You have so many baby shower gifts to
buy. It hurts to go in the baby section. You see things that you would buy for
one day if you knew it wouldn’t jinx you. You prep for surgery, you say your
prayers. You know you are selfish when you worry about your scars. You even
spend $25 on scar cream. It would be easier if you knew that this would for
sure be the beginning of something.
Emotions are crazy. No one prepared
you for this. It never was supposed to happen to you. Your husband can only
help so much. It’s not his body that is being altered. He won’t feel the
physical pain. Although it’s always awkward to provide his sample, it still
comes with a happy ending. Girls, not even close. I know I shouldn’t compare. I can only imagine
how I act when I shoot hormones into my body. But other women survive this.
They are successful too! I can do this. I try telling myself constantly each
This is just something I never saw for
myself, for us. There is a stigma with infertility. No one talks about it. It
makes you feel less of a woman. No one talks about it. Who can you turn to for
support? We were made to procreate. Why
didn’t we try sooner? A million questions go through your head: I was selfish, I wanted to do things my
way, our way. I always wonder if maybe I were younger than 29 things would
be different. Girls bodies were meant to have babies at 16. How will we ever
have 4 babies, like we planned? Will we even have one?
Some days it’s harder to be happy. You
pretend everything is ok. Tears come more than usual. Sometimes there is no
reason, your throat just burns and your mascara is smeared. Sometimes when you should tear up over something else other
than our situation, you can’t. You feel bad, and wonder if others don’t think
you have a heart. They don’t know what you are going through. They wouldn’t
quite understand. You wonder if you are hardened, already. & you are just
getting started.
The people closest to you want to be
there. Sometimes they don’t know what to say. You don’t want to always be
negative. They have no idea the procedures you are going through. It’s hard to
explain it over and over, especially when you don’t quite know yourself. It’s a
lonely feeling when the people that matter the most to you don’t know how to
make it better or pretend it’s not happening to eliminate the awkward
conversation. Can anyone make it better? Support from loved ones is what is
needed throughout the hard journey, it’s really sad that the taboo of
infertility doesn’t allow this to necessarily happen as no one can begin to
understand the process since it is never talked about.
Everyone on Facebook is pregnant. Every
single day there is a new adorable gender or pregnancy reveal. Some friends are
on baby number two by now. Will it ever
be us? You think often, will I ever be a
mother? You remind yourself, that these struggles are the best preparation for being a mother. To be strong, humble,
trusting, and faithful. You know you can get through this.
God has
a plan. & at the end of the day, all you can do is try your hardest to
find hope.
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